Cart Settings

Checkout Settings

Checkout Settings can be found by going to Web Settings > Cart Settings > Checkout Settings.


Options related to the checkout experience.

Allow Guest CheckoutYes to allow customers to checkout without creating an account with your store. Customer Email Address will still be required.
Redirect Registration Away From CheckoutNo will keep allow customers to register while in the Checkout.
Allow Customer Checkout Outside AccountIf Customer Belongs to an Account can they place an order outside of the Account when an Account is not enabled or available? Yes or No
Zip Above City/StateNo will place the Zip code below the City/State
Disable Shipping to Different AddressWhen set to Yes the shipping address will be the same as the billing information, the user will not get a choice to change it. You may set this per Customer Group, or globally.
Enable Order CommentsWhen set to Yes, customers can leave an order comment in the Billing Address section of checkout. Up to 1000 characters. You may set this per Customer Group, or globally.
Link Checkout LogoWhen set to yes the logo will link to the homepage of your website.
Checkout Specific LogoWhen set, this logo image will be used in the checkout and take priority over any other logo.
Show Item QuantityYes will show the Total Item Quantity below the Subtotal.
Show Item Weight on Front EndEnabling Show Item Weight on Front End will add item weight to the shopping cart, checkout, order success, and customer order view. It will also automatically add the product weight attribute in your Theme within the Product Template's "Essentials" block, the Category Template's "Category Products" blocks and any Product List block that you have in your Theme.
Show Order Total WeightYes will show the Total Weight of the Items on Order below the Subtotal.
Show Weights if 0If Show Item Weight is enabled, set to No will not show weights if 0.
Weight Display SuffixExample: lbs, kgs
Checkout Item Price DisplayItem Price or Item Total Price
Allow Send Order Notifications to Multiple EmailsSetting to Yes will add an option to your Checkout Billing Address step that lets the user enter up to 5 additional email addresses to receive Order Emails (New, Invoice, Shipment etc...).
Include Shipping in Giftcard DiscountYes or No
Include Shipping in Store Credit DiscountYes or No

Shopping Cart Settings

All of the options related to the Add to Cart function, Mini-Cart, and Shopping Cart Page can be found by going to Web Settings > Cart Settings > Shopping Cart Settings.

Enable Ajax Add to CartThis setting lets Add-To-Cart occur without a page refresh. This is a nicer user experience. Set to NO if you would like Add-To-Cart redirect customers to the Shopping Cart.
Enable Quick ViewYes to enable quick view of products.
Show Continue Shopping ButtonContinue Shopping Button will appear on the Cart Page at the top next to the Proceed To Checkout button.
Continue Shopping Button LogicDecide between one of the three settings:
Go to Previous Page
Go to Homepage
* Go to Most Recently Added Product Page
Number of Days to Save Shopping CartNumber of days that a customer's shopping cart will be saved before it is automatically emptied.
Grouped Product Image in CartSet which image will appear in the shopping cart. The Group Product image, or individual product images. It is recommended to use the individual product image.
Configurable Product Image in CartSet which image will appear in the shopping cart. It is recommended to use the Parent image unless each associated simple product has an image.
Allow Discount Codes * Yes to allow a customer to enter discount codes. No will hide the discount code field.
Allow Giftcards Yes to allow a customer to enter gift cards.
No will hid the gift cards field.
Show Empty Cart Button.When set, customers can empty their entire cart with one click.
Hide Shipping and Tax EstimatorSetting to No will show the Shipping and Tax Estimator tool on the Shopping Cart Page.

Multiple Address Shipping

Web Settings > Cart Settings > Multiple Address Shipping
Setting this to YES will enable a Ship to Multiple Address link to appear below the Proceed to Checkout button on the Shopping Cart.


Minimum Advertised Price

Web Settings > Cart Settings > Minimum Advertised Price
Display a message in place of a price that requires users to click or add to cart to see the price of an item.

Enable MAPWARNING - Enabling MAP will hide all existing product prices.
Apply MAP (Default Value)Global MAP Setting. WARNING - Enabling MAP will hide all existing product prices. Note - MAP can be enabled per-product.
Display Actual PriceIn Cart, Display Actual Price, or On Gesture (on click)
Default Popup Text MessageEnter any additional explanation that you want to appear in the Default Popup Text Message.
Default "What's This" Text MessageEnter any additional explanation that you want to appear in the Default “What’s This” Text Message.

Reserved Cart

Web Settings > Cart Settings > Reserved Cart
When enabled, allows products to be added to the cart for a set amount of time.

Reserved TimeHours : Minutes : Seconds
Reservation TypeIndividually Per Item or Entire Cart
Reservation Expire ActionsRemove Item - return to stock
Keep Item as Unreserved - remains in cart


You must set "Reserve In Cart" to Yes on the simple products.

Go to Products > Product List > Product Edit > Inventory & Shipping > Reserved in Cart
Learn More About Reserved Products

3D Secure Credit Card Validation

3D Secure Credit Card Validation is an additional and optional Security Feature, intended to provide additional security for online credit and debit card transactions. In order for a customer to use the 3D Secure service, their card-issuing bank must be enrolled in 3D Secure program.

When an online purchase is made with an enrolled card, the payment processor using 3D Secure will initiate an additional authentication process. Depending on the bank’s requirements, the customer might be required to enter a secret code, log in to an account, or complete another activity in order to complete the transaction.

3D Secure Credit Card Validation can currently be used on Zoey through