Product Settings


There are TWO locations for managing Product Settings.

Products > Settings is for managing global product settings
Web Settings > Product Settings is for managing Web/Front-end display settings.

Below are found in Web Settings > Product Settings


The Catalog Settings refer to your category pages and product display on the frontend.


The Catalog Settings are complementary global settings to the available design settings in Edit My Design > Category Template.

Default Category Page List Mode

Grid OnlyThe Category Page (Category List Block) will display products in a grid only.
List OnlyThe Category Page (Category List Block) will display products only as a list.
Grid (default)/ ListThe Category Page (Category List Block) will display products by default as a grid with the option to change it to the list mode.
List (default)/ GridThe Category Page (Category List Block) will display products by default as a list with the option to change it to a grid.

Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values

By default it is set to display 12,16,24, or 36 products per page. You can however change it to any other amount, such as 15, 20, 30, etc.
In Edit My Design you can select in how many columns you want to display the product grid.

Products per Page on Grid Default Value

This is the amount of products displayed by default in the product grid. If set to 12 your customer will see by default 12 products per page unless they change it to another number.
Note: The default value needs to be an allowed value!

Product Listing Sort By

Top ProductRefers to the best selling products
NameSorts products alphabetically
Price: Low to HighSorts products according to the lowest price
Price: High to LowSorts products according to the highest price
Products On Sale On TopPuts the products on sale first
Newest on TopAutomatically adds new products on top


You can add other attributes to this list by going to your Products > Attributes and set the attribute you want to Allow Customers to Sort Products by this Attribute.

Inventory Report

Designed as a front end feature to enable your customers to download a list of products within a category, the Inventory Report may be added to your store and downloaded to a CSV from any category page.


To enable the Inventory Report on your store, navigate to Web Settings > Products Settings > Catalog and scroll down to Inventory Report


Set enable Inventory report Download to Yes. You may set this per Customer Group if you don't want it to be available to all groups.

You may add more Attributes to the report. And Save.

Product Listing Sort Direction

You can set it to Ascending or Descending. If you have the Sort Order By set to "Name" and "Ascending" it will sort from A to Z, whereas "Descending" will sort from Z to A.

Enable Price Filters on Category Pages

If set to Yes it will show the Price as a filter option with the price ranges.


Placeholder Image

Upload a placeholder image that will display on category and product pages whenever a product doesn't have a Main Image assigned.

Maximum Number Of Subcategories In Header Navigation

By default this is set to 3. While you can increase the number please note this can affect the speed of your store.

Only X Left

Only X left Threshold

This will show "Only X left" where X is the number you put into this setting

Apply Variation Qty to Threshold

Yes or No - When set to Yes, the low in stock notification will appear only when the combined qty of all child products is greater than the threshold. Additionally, child products will be unable to set Only X Left Threshold on the product level.

Only Show X Left for Selected Variation

Yes or No - When set to Yes the low in stock notification will appear only when the selected variation quantity is greater than the threshold.

Maximum Inventory to Show

This will be the maximum quantity shown as available. For example if you put 25 and there are 30 left in stock it will say 25+". Set this number to 0 to always show the true count of inventory.

Configurable Products & Variations

Configurable Product Table Order Interface expands all the configurable product Variations into a Table for the quick ordering of multiple variations simultaneously.


The table will automatically be configured with the product's variation attributes as columns (i.e. Size and Color as seen in the example above). The customer can enter QTY for each variation, then click the Add To Cart button that appears at the bottom of the page. If each variation has its own image, clicking on the image in the table will swap out the image shown on the page so the user can zoom or expand it.

Global Settings

Enabling For All Configurable Products

To enable Table Order Interface for all Configurable Products, navigate to Zoey Web > Settings > Product Settings > Configurable Products & Variations. Here you can set Use Table Order Interface to Yes.


Other Settings

You can also configure which additional product attributes show in the table (Globally) and if the Table shows Images for each variation.

Show "Starting From" Price For Configurable Products

Yes or No - Set to Yes will display "Starting From" the lowest price of the variants.

Display Base Price of Configurable Product Price Type Custom

Yes or No - When enabled the base price of a configurable product will appear when no variation is selected, otherwise text to select a variation will appear.

Display Out of Stock Variations

Yes or No - When disabled, out of stock variants will not show.

Allow Out of Stock Variations to be Selected

Yes or No - When enabled will allow the out of stock product to be selected for backorder.

Show Images in Product Page Table View

Yes or No

Show Inventory in Product Page Table View

Yes or No

Swap Simple Product Custom Attribute Data When Selected

Yes or No - When set to Yes, if a Simple Product has a Custom Attribute that is configured to show data (such as on cart, checkout, emails, etc..) it will be shown even though the purchase was done at the Configurable, Group or Bundle Product level.


In Web Settings > Product Settings > Swatches: set Enabled to YES

Then specify which Attributes you would like to use Swatches by selecting them from the list in the "Product Attributes to Show as Swatches in Product Detail" setting. (see below)

You can also show Swatches on your Category Page below the Product Image by selecting an option from the "Product Attribute to Use for Swatches in Product Listing" setting.


Upload Swatches

Once Swatches is enabled, you will now need to upload swatches for your Attributes.
Navigate to Products > Attributes and select an attribute that you specified to use Swatches.
More on Product Swatches

Grouped Products

Link to Individual Products within Grouped Products
Yes or No - When enabled will link to the Simple Product within the Group.

Search Settings

Use Configurable Product Images

Yes or No - Set to Yes will display the Configurable Product images, set to No will display the variations' images.

Show Add to Cart Button

Yes or No - This setting will govern whether or not to show the Add To Cart button on the Search Results Page


Add to Cart may not always appear.

For Configurable, Bundle, Grouped or Simple Products with Customizations, the Add To Cart button will not appear. Instead, a "View Product" button will appear that will take the user to the Product for them to select the appropriate options to Add to Cart

Show Product SKU on Search Results Page

Yes or No - This setting will govern whether to show the Product SKU in the Search Results

Show Product SKU on Search Results Preview

Yes or No - This setting will govern whether to show the Product SKU in the Search Results Preview

Show Status Flags on Search Results Preview

This setting will govern whether status flags such as "New", "Sale" will show on the Product Search Results.

Wishlist & Compare

Enable Wishlist

Yes or No - Hide or show the link to add the product to wishlist.

Remove From Wishlist after Add to Cart

Yes or No - When enabled will remove items from the Wishlist once they are added to the Cart.

Show Overview in Compare

Yes or No - This setting will govern whether to show the product overview in Compare.

Show Description in Compare

Yes or No - This setting will govern whether to show the product description in Compare.