CSV Column Headers List
All Product Column Headers
In this article you will find a guide to the various columns and their uses found in your CSV files.
Please refer to the Simple Product Template and Requirements or Configurable Product Template following this page for required fields and tips. Any of the below columns may be added to those templates as needed.
Note that these are case-sensitive and values should not be capitalized unless you have made them that way such as a Category Name or Attribute value.
Header | Use | Example |
sku | As this suggests, your product's SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) goes here! This must be a unique value. sku is required as the first column on any product import file. | 100123 |
name | Your Product's name. This must be a unique value. | Unisex Dinosaur Socks - TRex |
description | The long description with detailed information regarding the product. Note that HTML in this field will often return an error! For CSV updates, use plain text. | Sourced from local farmers and made with all organic components... |
_type | What type of product is this? Your options are: simple, configurable, virtual, downloadable, grouped or bundle. | simple |
_category | The Category and Subcategories that this product will live in | Men/Outerwear/Overcoat |
category_ids | The Category ID as a numeric value. Assign items to multiple categories using the Category IDs, comma separated. | 35,44,81 |
cost | The cost for the vendor. Does not apply to Bundle or Group products. | 3.41 |
image | This is the MAIN Image of the product. Can be a URL or File Name. | https://cdn.com/imageA.jpg |
_media_image | Additional images need to be added to this column as additional rows. | <https://cdn.com/imageB.jpg> |
manage_stock | 0 - No (You won't track inventory) 1 - Yes (You will track inventory and need to set a quantity) If use_config_manage_stock = 0 manage_stock: 0: Do not track inventory on the product manage_stock: 1: Track inventory on the product | |
is_in_stock | Defines whether the product is available for selling (0 - Out of Stock, 1 - In Stock) | 1 |
use_config_manage_stock | Defines whether to use default product settings rather than the individual product setting. 0 =Ignore manage stock setting in Product -> Settings -> Inventory -> Manage Stock 1 =Use manage stock setting in Product -> Settings -> Inventory -> Manage Stock When set to 1 it will ignore the product level manage_stock setting and will only go by what the system config setting is | |
meta_keyword | Title to describe your page to search engines. | Wool |
meta_title | Title to describe your page to search engines. | Wool Sweaters |
minimal_price | Your "As Low As" Price | 9.99 |
min_sale_qty | Minimum number of items in the shopping cart to be sold | 1 |
min_qty_group | A group used to combine the quantity of individual products to satisfy the total min_sale_qty in the cart. | |
max_sale_qty | Maximum number of items in the shopping cart to be sold | 100 |
msrp | Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price | 49.99 |
msrp_enabled | Add Manufacturer Suggest Retail Price (MSRP) and Manufacturer's Actual Pricing (MAP) rules. | Yes / No |
msrp_display_actual_price_type | Where the actual price will be displayed | In Cart Before Order Confirmation On Gesture Use Config |
price | What the customer sees as the price | 10 |
use_config_manage_stock | Choose whether to view and specify the product quantity and availability and whether the product is in stock management( 0 - No, 1 - Yes) | 1 |
price_suffix | Used for Price per unit or any other suffix. | Per Box or /dozen |
as_low_as_price_suffix | Text value to overwrite default Price Suffix for "as low as pricing" | Each |
hide_as_low_as_price_suffix | Yes/No value to not show a price suffix at all when "as low as" prices are rendered | Yes / No |
qty | How many of this product do you have in stock? | 100 |
min_qty | When the item's stock reaches this number, it will become out of stock. | 0 |
is_qty_decimal | Choose whether the product can be sold using decimals (e.g., you can buy 2.5 product) 0 for no, 1 for yes | 0 |
short_description | The shorter description that appears to the right of the Product Image on the Product page. | 10% Recycled cardboard, please see additional information for more on our sources. |
special_price | Sale Price for an item, not associated with a catalog sale | 1.99 |
special_from_date | Beginning dates for the special price (Sale Price) | YYYY-MM-DD 2017-02-13 |
special_to_date | End dates for the special price (Sale Price) | YYYY-MM-DD 2017-02-14 |
status | Is the product Enabled or Disabled? Enabled is 1, Disabled, 2 | 1 |
tax_class_id | Tax code if you sell taxable goods (2) or charge for shipping (4). For non taxable goods use 0 | 2 |
url_path | The URL key that will show up after youstorename.com/ | maxi-dress-and-jacket |
visibility | How will the customer be able to view this item? Catalog & Search, Not Visible Individually? Visible in Catalog and Search = 4 Visible in Catalog = 2 Visible in Search = 3 Not visible individually = 1 | 4 |
weight | The weight of the item to be used with your shipping calculations. | .05 |
display_child_sku | Whether the SKU displayed on the Product Page should show the Variation SKU selected for Configurable products. | 0 = No 1= True |
notify_stock_qty | The number of inventory items below which the customer will be notified via the RSS feed | 5 |
qty_increments | The product quantity increment value | 6 |
enable_qty_increments | Defines whether the customer can add products only in increments to the shopping cart ( 0 - No, 1 - Yes) | 0 |
is_decimal_divided | Defines whether the stock items can be divided into multiple boxes for shipping. ( 0 - No, 1 - Yes) | |
_links_related_sku | The SKU of the products you want as Related | 1234 |
_links_crosssell_sku | The SKU of the products you want as Cross Sell | 4567 |
_links_upsell_sku | The SKU of the products you want as Up Sell | 7890 |
_associated_sku | The SKUs of the Simple Products that will be linked to this bundle Product | AB-12 |
_associated_default_qty | Default number for the bundle product's simple component | 8 |
use_child_manage_stock | View and specify the variation quantity and availability, and whether the product is in stock management. | Yes No |
use_child_price | When set to YES the price used will be that of the variation. Price Type: Custom = Yes Price Type: Fixed = No | Yes No |
use_child_weight | When set to YES the weight used for shipping rate calculation will be that of the variation. | Yes No |
zoey_default_variation | The default variation to show when a configurable product is first loaded | Variation Product ID - Where Variation Product ID is the Entity ID which you can get by exporting your Products or looking at the Product ID in the Admin - see image below |
zb2b_product_atq_restricted | Hide Add To Quote button for this product. Yes - hide, No - don't hide. | Yes No |
zb2b_product_atq_no_hide_cart | Display Add to Cart button | No |
zb2b_product_atq_no_hide_cart | Display price | No |
zb2b_restricted_prod_groups | Multi-select customer groups to apply restriction to. Leave blank for all. | Customer Group NAME i.e. "Wholesale" |
zoey_add_to_cart_qty | Default quantity to be displayed in the quantity box on a product page | Numerical value, example: 1 |
zoey_product_skip_shipping | Defines whether a Configurable Product or its individual Variations should skip shipping. To enable this feature go to Product->Settings->Inventory->Advanced Options and then change Enable Non-Shippable Products to "Yes". By default this will be "No". | Yes No |
You may have other attributes in here such as color, size, country_of_manufacture, manufacturer. All of these will be determined on the Attribute Set that you are using as well as the Attributes you have already set up.
Item ends with _position. Set a number to decide which choice will come first, second, third and so on.
User Default Settings
Any line that begins with use_config will use your default settings rather than the individual product setting.
Using HTML in your CSV files may cause issues with the import itself or the imported data. Please note the Support Team is not able to troubleshoot or assist with issues related to HTML in CSV files.
Updated 11 days ago