Checklist for Emails / PDFs


Email settings are located in Settings > Emails View tutorial here.
PDF settings can be found in Orders > PDF Settings and Quotes > PDF Settings View tutorial here.

Emails / PDFs Checklist

  • Emails Have Logo

Notes: Tutorial

  • Emails Have From Address

Notes: Tutorial

  • Contact Us email is configured to send to a real email address

Notes: Tutorial

  • DNS SPF (TXT) Record is Configured for Emails


Prevent emails from going to SPAM!

You MUST change the SPF Record to have:
An SPF record lists all authorized hostnames / IP addresses that are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain. If your SPF record does not contain, emails from Zoey will likely go to spam.

  • Store Information and Shipping Origin are configured
    Notes: Tutorial

  • Order CC/Sales Rep Notification Enabled
    Notes: Tutorial

  • Store Information and Shipping Origin are configured
    Notes: Tutorial

  • Quote & Order PDFs Settings Configured
    Notes: Tutorial