Using the Importer
The Importer is the tool that allows you to Create, Modify, or Delete Products and Product Data
Your file must be a CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
You don't need every column for every import
There are required fields for adding new products, but when updating existing products, the only required column is sku. After the sku column, you only need to have the specific columns you're looking to change. Any data that is omitted from the spreadsheet will remain unchanged in Zoey.
Re-Index and Refresh Your Store!
Products or Categories not showing up correctly? URLs not updating? At times you may need to Reindex your store, especially after bulk imports or making changes to prices or categories.
Import Behaviors
When using the importer you can perform a variety of tasks
Before using the tool you should identify the task you are looking to accomplish:
- Creating New Products
- Editing/Updating Existing Products
- Adding or Replacing Product Images
- Assigning Products to Categories
- Deleting Products
To achieve these tasks we have a list of Import Behaviors:
Append allows you to add new products OR update existing products.
Replace will also allow adding new or updating existing products, but it can also remove certain data and replace it with the data in your CSV file. This is only applicable for Images, Category Assignments, Related Products, and Customizations. For example, if your CSV file has the "category" or "category_ids" columns, the Replace behavior will remove existing category assignments for your products and only assign them to the categories in your CSV file.
Delete Attributes
This import behavior is for a specific import template that is used to delete attribute VALUES from your skus. For instance, you can use the Delete Attributes import if you want to remove "special_price" from certain skus.
Learn how to use the Delete Attributes Import
SKU Replacement
This import behavior is also for a specific import template that can be used if you need to change the SKUs of existing products in Zoey.
Learn how to use the SKU Replace Import
Delete All (Permanently)
This import behavior will permanently delete all SKUs listed in your CSV file. This action is permanent and can not be undone.
Finding the Importer
Navigate to Products > Products List - click on the Import Icon depicted below:
This will open a window to drag & drop or select your file. Once selected the Importer will CHECK your file for errors.
If there are no errors, you will see a Green bar saying the File is Valid. Make sure to select the correct import behavior then click "Import"
My File Has Errors!
Don't panic! this happens all the time.
Click Here for help troubleshooting those errors
Tips and Tricks
We recommend using Google Sheets and Downloading as a CSV. Excel is notorious for making this process more difficult.
If you are using Excel, save as "Comma Separated Values (CSV)" only. The other options will add unsupported encoding to your files and the import will fail.
Test a small data-set first: the first time you use the importer, try importing a single product before importing your entire catalog. This is the best and easiest way to catch mistakes, troubleshoot errors and ensure you're not missing any critical information.
Updated 2 months ago